Released on DVD this week: 'How To Be Single'

Released on DVD: 27th June 
Directed By: Christian Ditter

Released at the end of this week is the rom-com 'How To Be Single'. A film that is fit for those who love 'Sex and the City' and other classic 'chick-filcks'. 'How To Be Single' is a funny, easy-going and surprisingly different film, in terms of the stereotypes expected from this genre. The film follows post-graduate law student Alice (Dakota Johnson), who after breaking up with her long term boyfriend Josh (Nicholas Braun) moves to New York City to start her new job. Her new co-worker Robin (Rebel Wilson) is the outgoing, party girl that teaches Alice how to take advantage of the single scene in the big city. Alice's older sister Meg (Leslie Mann)is a doctor that has delivered multiple babies but has never settled down and considered having one of her own. Lucy (Alison Brie) is forever going on bad dates after online-dating, and coming across too strong in front of the men she meets. 

We follow these four women through their highs and lows of being single and being in a relationship. Rebel Wilson shines as the hilarious care-free Robin, and perfectly matches Dakota Johnson's shy and naive character Alice. Great acting on both of their parts! I do feel however that the casting on the whole was varied between 'newcomers' and 'classic rom-com favourites', but the cast do pull together nicely and tell the story well.

I also felt as though the story itself was very current and relatable, because it gives a realistic view of dating in the 21st century. The animated after effects, of neon text and speech bubbles adds to this very modern setting. Looking at dating for all ages and different situations, the story continues to have pace and interesting twists throughout. The ending was also most enjoyable as all stories resolve happily but not all of our main characters are in relationships and so have learnt how to be single.

Obviously some of the films details are fairly unrealistic, such as:  affording such a big apartment, the gorgeous man working behind the bar, and the 'oh how convenient' moments, but that is expected with any film of this particular genre. I must admit however that the film lacked cheesy lines and soppy interludes, which I think makes this film stand out amongst other recent films of its kind. 

The perfect chick-flick for a Friday night in with the girls and a bottle of wine. Recommended for it's current narrative and amusing moments! Nothing too serious but fun all the same. 

Until next time,


  1. Great description of a great film!! Reading these posts is becoming such a joy! Always such in depth reviews! I look forward to many many more!

    1. Aw thank you so much! I do try to be honest but detailed with my reviews. I'm so pleased you're enjoying reading my blog posts! Much more to come, don't worry!


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